About us

Wellness - Means taking charge of one’s own health. Quantity of Life no one knows, however, quality of life is still significantly in our hands. How each day of our life is lived is pretty much in our hands. Small little daily choices we make in our lifestyle cumulatively matter immensely. In today’s stressful, challenging, demanding times when life has become so fast it is prudent to pursue wellness once you reach your 30s. Your body has stopped growing. Therefore, your cells do not multiply or rejuvenate that fast. Our lifestyles, and habits are putting garbage each day in our body. We quite often hear of deaths in the early 30s of cardiac arrests. Even late 20yr olds are being detected of Diabetes. Followed by a large number of lifestyle related disorders, stress, poor sleep, tensions, anxiety. Nature and the human body are still extremely resilient. Once you start taking care of it, it turns around quickly. Working on Your Wellness is the best treat you can give yourself and to your near and dear ones.

Spread Chironn, Spread Wellness:

  • Bring a Smile
  • Heal a Heart
  • Cure a Body
  • Save a Life
  • Manifest a Miracle

Our Story

Human body needs far too many nutrients, minerals, vitamins that any single food can provide. At the same time, nature has so much to offer. We have to give it a chance. Most of us abuse our body by consuming processed foods and chemicals causing illness. Nature is powerful, forgiving and heals. Our sages and saints have left behind secrets of wellness. This wealth is available to all of us. Dear Mother earth has so much to offer. We just have to be open to explore and try out.

Welcome to the World of CHIRONN. Chiron was the Greek god of healing and natural medicine.

We at Chironn, have developed 5Ps of Wellness.

  1. Plant Based Foods
  2. Pouring Herbs, Spices, Seeds, & Essential Oils in your food
  3. Pure Energy- connecting with pure form of life force for a fulfilling life, deeper healing, evolution, prosperity, growth, joy, happiness
  4. Physical activity- comprising of walking, breathing exercises, rotation and stretching
  5. Periodic Measurement- Have regular metrics to check if moving in the right direction of wellbeing and wellness for a healthier existence

Once you decide to take up wellness as part of your life, you can decide how you want to go about integrating various 5Ps in your routine to achieve wellness.

Chiron offers free guidance on most of the Ps of wellness. Once you understand the principles, you can embark on a self discovery journey. We also offer a range of curated natural, chemical-free herbs, spices, seeds and essential oils. You can pick as per your palette and your preference.

Chironn promise is bringing you closer to nature, bringing you close to your true being… All the offerings are straight from nature. No use of chemicals, artificial ingredients, flavors, preservatives

Enjoy Your Journey !


Chironn Promise -

Show products being made from natural ingredients. Sourced directly from nature- herbs, spices, seeds - pic shots, videos

All are products are made filled with nature

Natural ingredients used.

●      Three in one = Taste, health and nutrition

●      Less risks to health- hormonal imbalances as organic purity

●      Adieu to chemicals in your diet

●      no artificial flavors

●      no chemicals

●      no pesticides

●      no preservatives

Most of our products can be stored in a cool place at normal room temperature. They have a shelf life of about 12 months from the date of manufacturing


Chironn is a Community of all those who have taken charge towards achieving wellness.

Wellness Scores

Each member can take tests and see how they are progressing on the path of wellness. This assessment will continuously help to monitor progress in a neutral way.

GIving Back to the Society (CSR)

Reducing carbon footprint by promising to consume plant based diet, natural products to restore mother earth so the future generations can live a healthy, happy life. Plant trees on a regular basis. Participate in ecology related, green initiatives around the world. Sponsoring large scale forestation, preserve wildlife.